Effecten van beeldende therapie: De casus persoonlijkheidsstoornissen cluster B/C.

This study is one of the first serious attempts to explore effects of art therapy. Its main conclusion is that art therapy in patients with personality disorders of clusters B or C is effective. Art therapy has several beneficial effects for personality disorder patients. The results indicate that art therapy is a powerful therapy for reducing psychopathology; as powerful as it is for enhancing well-being (increasing resilience and emotional adaptation). Art therapy is not mainly or only a general procedure for improving well-being and quality of life. It also is a specific therapy, with interventions that reduce specific symptoms. It is our hope that this study contributes to the understanding of art therapy and its benefits, and provides insight into the scope of art therapy. Although more research is needed, the present study adds evidence to the empirical base of art therapy in patients with personality disorders cluster B and C and asks for a reappraisal of its symptom reduction quality next to the quality of enhancing positive mental health.